What is the amarna revolution?
Amarna Revolution 1375-1358 B.C.E.Amen-hetep and his queen Nefert-iti are fanatically devoted to Aten, and Amen-hetep changes his name to Akhenaten. He also founds a new city for Aten at the present day El-Amarna and moves his court there. Other cults were discouraged and changes in the Aten doctrine favor monotheism. Problems begin to occur during his reign. There is unrest in the northern empire, which leads to a reduced flow of valuable tribute and disgruntled soldiers. Temples were closed putting many out of work. Also, forbidding sacrifices and rituals demoralized people and took away the purpose to every day activities. The people did not like the new religion being imposed on them.http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/egypt/history/dynasties/dynasty18.htmlhttp://www.stormshock.com/archive/articles/amarna.html