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Q: What was medicine it like in Great Britain 1825?
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What was it like in Great Britain 1825?

Most middle-class and upper-class boys (but not many girls) went to school.Elementary schools in England provided education for the children of the poor if they wanted to attend. Many did not.There were few universities.

When are the eagles touring Great Britain again?

For the current 2013 tour that The Eagles are on, it does not look like they will be touring in Great Britain. There is no information about when they will be back in Great Britain on tour.

Why do people like the name UK better than Britain?

Great Britain means England, Scotland and Wales. the UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

What singers were born in Great Britain new and old?

Adelle was born in great britain. If you watch the grammy awards she sounds like it.

What buildings were destroyed in the battle of Britain?

What was it like for Great Britain after the Battle?

What food was heavily purchased from the North by Great Britain?

Great Britain often bought raw goods from the North. Things like various hardwoods (trees like oak).

What is Britain like today?

very cool with a great car show about topgear and i am great

Why wouldn't Hitler capture Great Britain?

he felt like it

Does Great Britain have rabies?

in great Britain it is really hard to get rabies because of the lack of stuff like foxes that is why in Britain you are not likely to get rabiesin the case that you do get rabies i think that there is a cure i am not so sure.

Does Thomas Jefferson like Great Britain?

i think jefferson didn't like england because the king george ruled it ,taxed everything

How do you say dollar in Great Britain?

A pound the sign is like this £1

What was life like in great Britain in the 1780's?

It was in the Industrial Revolution