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Q: What was laws passed by England because it wanted a share in its colonies trading profits?
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What law passed by England because it wanted a share in its colonies trading profits?

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How did England trade with her colonies?

England controlled trade with her colonies through taxation and tariffs. It was illegal to trade elsewhere so England enjoyed a monopoly. Trading profits were excessively high given this structure.

Why did English people settle in England's colonies in north America?

Because you had private trading

Why did trade and manufacturing grow fastest in the New England colonies?

They grew fastest in the England colonies because of the land. The trees they had along the coast was great for ships. They had materials, and trading lanes.

How did mercantilism and the establishment of colonies lead to increased global trading during the 17th and 18th centuries?

it lead to increased global trading because when the colonies established there was another place to trade with, not only for england but also for other places like africa and the british west inides. And it was over the world hints the word "global". And mercantilism because it said the colonies HAD to send for example wood to england then england would make a chair and send it back anf th colonies would buy it. That's trading instead of the colonies just making the chair, then there wouldn't be as much trading. -KKS

What New England colonies had African slaves?

they did but got them from trading

The word that describes the trading practices England put on the colonies is?


How did the thirteen colonies send mail to England?

They sent mail when trading ships went over to England.

How the new England colony make money?

The New England Colonies had economies that focused on fishing, shipbuilding, and trading.

How are the profits divided in a sole trading business?

how are the profits divioded in a sloe trading buisness

Where did a colonial baker get their tools?

They get it by buying or trading goods from England or other English colonies.

Why did the New England colonies have to rely on trading and not farming?

rocky soil and good harbors