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it is Irish republic

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Q: What was first European country to ban smoking in public places?
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Which country was the first in the world to implement a ban on smoking in public places?


What date that the smoking ban on smoking in public places was introduced in Scotland?

The smoking ban in public places in Scotland was introduced on March 26, 2006.

The ban smoking in public places will discourage youngsters from smoking?

No it will not

When did they ban smoking in public places?

The ban on smoking in public places began to gain traction in the early 2000s, with various countries and states implementing regulations to protect public health. The specifics of when smoking was banned in public places may vary depending on the region.

Who band smoking in public places?

the govoment banned it

Should smoking be alloud in public places?

No, smoking should not be allowed in public places. Mainly because not everyone is a smoker. People who do not smoke, should not have to be around it if they do not want to be.

What do you feel about smoking in public places?

I have heart attack and I very hate it.

When did they band smoking in public places in London?

July 2007

Should there be smoking in public places because its a free country?

no because people like me are alergic to smoke and can die plus its a free country so why cant we drink at age 20? Its illegil.

Can you be arrested for smoking in Singapore?

No, however you can be fined if you smoke in public places.

What states have non-smoking public places?

your mom smell weird man

Is it a good decison that government banned smoking in public places in mauritus?
