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i never knew about it

well some people shouldn't answer questions if they don't know about it, they made their own clothes and they wore the things that they brought with them from their home.

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Q: What was clothing like in Japanese internment camps?
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What is simliar between Japanese Internment camps and the Holocaust?

The Internment camps for Japanese-Americans were structures and the Holocaust is a concept. There were camps within the Holocaust designed and used to imprison certain sections of society, much like the internment camps in the USA. But what went on in these camps was very different.

What are the Japanese internment camps like?

they are like every other camp These days they are... deserted.

Were there concentration camps for Jews in the US?

Not anymore, but there were in the Second World War. They were known more commonly as internment camps during those times; the term concentration camp was created by the Nazis in the 1930's.

What is the difference between an Japanese internal camp and a concentration camp?

The Japanese internment camps were sort of like special prisons for Japanese-Americans during World War II. The camps weren't very nice, nor was being imprisoned in them, but at the same time, the internees were not tortured or otherwise severely harmed. Still, it's not one of America's proudest moments. They were intended to keep Japanese-Americans on the West Coast from assisting the Japanese military if it ever invaded the USA. The Nazi concentration camps were special prisons that were initially meant to function a lot like the aforementioned internment camps. However, the Nazis didn't wait long to start doing terrible things to the internees, such as using them as slave laborers, performing medical experiments on them, or simply executing them. Unlike the Japanese internment camps, the Nazi concentration camps were intended primarily to get rid of any people that the government didn't like- Jews, Russians, Poles, Romany, homosexuals, political opponents, and so forth.

How were Japanese Americans treated in Canada after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

They were treated like enemy spies by some racist people and then were put into internment camps for 5 years.

What was the treatment of Japanese Americans during the World War 2?

The U.S. government put all Japanese-Americans in internment camps. They weren't treated well at all. Some internment camps housed these people in old horse stalls!!!!

What were the internment camps like in the us during pearl harbor?

They were awfully ugly.

What were the internment camps during World War 1 and who was there?

internment camps were during the time of ww1. as Australia were fighting against Germany, Australia was very anti Germans like all the allied countries. internment camps is where Australian-Germans were interned. they were unfair as even if you had German in you you may have been interned

Why didn't they put Muslims in internment camps after 911 like how they did with the Japanese during World War 2?

A:The Japanese residents of the United States were placed in internment camps because the United States was at war and there was the chance that the Japenese people would try to assist the Japanese war effort. This was quite different to the situation after the 911 attacks, when even the most conservative politicians recognised that the loyalties of most Muslims in the country were with the United States. There was no need or reason to place them in internment other than as a misguided and misplaced punishment for attacks they had no prior knowledge of.

How did world war 2 change opportunities for Japanese Americans?

If you were in the US, you were either drafted into the military or sent to Japanese Internment Camps. If you were in Japan, you were either drafted into the military or sent to POW like camps.

What were theJapanese American internment camp conditions like?

Even though the Japanese-Canadians had every right in Canada, the Canadians just decided on the color of their skin and sent them to interment camps. The Japanese were considered "enemy aliens."This actually preceded the acts of the US in February 1942, which interned most of the Japanese-American citizens who lived on the US west coast.Canada had already declared war on Germany in 1939.

What were schools like in Japanese internment?

Schools in Japanese internment camps were often makeshift facilities, with limited resources and overcrowded classrooms. The curriculum was typically basic and focused on assimilation, teaching English and American history while suppressing Japanese culture and language. Despite these challenges, many teachers and students tried to maintain a sense of normalcy and education as a form of resistance against their unjust confinement.