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Q: What was an ancient land on the aegean?
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Which Aegean civilization was most involved in warfare and fortifications?

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What bodies of water surround ancient Greece?

The seas that boarder ancient Greece are; Aegean, and Mediterrean Sea

The civilization of ancient Greece developed near the shore of what sea?

The civilization of ancient Greece developed near the shores of the Aegean Sea. It also developed on islands in the Aegean Sea.

Where did the ancient Greeks sail?

Aegean Sea

Why was ancient Greece built?

ancient greece was built because of the aegean ocean

The civilization of ancient Greece developed near the shores of the what sea?

The civilization of ancient Greece developed near the shores of the Aegean Sea. It also developed on islands in the Aegean Sea.

How did the ancient King Mithridates control the Aegean Sea?

His general Archelaus assembled a strong fleet which dominated the Aegean Sea.

What sea did the ancient Greeks travel on?

The Aegean sea.... Your welcome :]

What shore was the ancient civilization of Greece developed?

Aegean Sea.

Why was trade so important to ancient Greeks?

they had a connection to the Aegean sea

What ancient region in Greece borders the black and aegean seas?
