The Outsiders took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1967.
Bank of America Center - Tulsa - was created in 1967.
The setting of the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is Tulsa, Oklahoma
Bart Everson was born on January 17, 1967, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
S.E. Hinton graduated from Will Rogers High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1967.
That's easy the Tulsa house of nights is located in Oklahoma just like in the book and a lot of places are even in the real Tulsa like the book
Jimmy Rogers was born January 3, 1967, in Tulsa, OK, USA.
The address of the University Of Tulsa is: , Tulsa, OK 74104-9700
In Tulsa, we have several schools located in or around our metro area. There is TU (Tulsa university) OSU in stillwater and Tulsa and OU in Norman and Tulsa.
The address of the Tulsa Zoo Management is: , Tulsa, OK 74115-2121
If you had like a New York accent, ulcer would.