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Q: What was The first contribution of the United States to the war was?
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The first contribution of the united states to the war was?

hope for a quick and fair peace

What major contribution did the United states make the war?

Fresh troops who outnumbered the enemy

Why were American citizens so unprepared for the conflict that emerged between the US and the Soviet Union?

United States and Soviet Union were allies during World War II and there was high admiration in United States for Soviet contribution in the war.

How did Ulyesses S Grant make a contribution to are history or culture?

He was a general in the U.S. Civil War and was later the president of the United States.

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Her contribution to the untied states was that she believed and women's right and civil rights and she stood by what she believed even if Franklin did not stand by it and believe in it.

What major contribution did the United states make to the war?

Fresh troops who outnumbered the enemy

What was the first nation to formally declare war in World War 1?

united states

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In Europe

When was the Internal Revenue Service first established in the United States?

The IRS was first technically established in the United States during the Civil War by President Lincoln. It was enacted to help pay for war expenses.

Which nation declared war first US or Germany?

On December 11, 1941, Germany declared war on the United States. Then later that day the United States Declared War on Germany in response.

Did the US win the first bull run war?

Yes, the United States won the First Bull Run War.

The first national government for the United States was?

the First national government of the united states was the Articles of Confederation Actually the first National Government of the United States was the Second Continental Congress which governed during the Revolutionary War. The Articles were the first written gov't of the US.