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The Battle of Little Big Horn

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Q: What was Montana's famous battle?
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Is Hannah Montanas voice real or computerised?

Hannah montanas voice is totally real it's the voice of Miley Cyrus who get's her voice from the one and only famous country singer Billy Ray Cyrus.

When is Hanannah Montanas' birthday?

November 23,1992 is Hannah Montanas' B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is Hannah Montanas faverite color?

Hanah montanas favorite color is purple

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Was the battle of Thermopylae a famous battle?

Yes, it was quite a famous battle.

What is Hannah Montanas webkinz account?

Hannah montanas account on webkinz world is hannahmontana16z

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montanas natural wonders are hotdogs and chios with some cocacola

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The battle of Salamis, the battle of Thermopylae and the battle of Marathon is the famous battle in Greek.

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== ==

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