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They were very powerful they had a vast Pacific Empire that stretched from Kiska which is apart of Alaska to Guadalcanal close to Australia to Burma. They had millions of soldiers who would rather die in battle then live in defeat. so very powerful

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15y ago
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15y ago

Japan had built up a very strong military during the 1930's and had thousands of experienced troops and officers who had served in China. It had a substantial arsenal of army weapons and the third largest navy in the world. Some of its equipment (Zero fighters, oxygen torpedos, I-class submarines) was among the best in the world. It had the largest industrial economy in Asia (and which was greater than that of France) However it had an industrial base 1/7 that of the US, depended on its colonies/SE Asia for raw materials and could not replace its losses in engagements with US forces. It was gradually strangled when the blockade of the home islands denied its factories necessary inputs and its overseas forces were isolated.

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11y ago

Weak at best. They tried to build up their navy and adopted a more isolationist policy in WWI, more out of necessity than foreign policy. The choice not to enter WWI was a good one because it allowed latent military expenditure to be focused on capacity building rather than warfare operations.

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15y ago

Island Empires such as Great Britain and Japan are susceptible to strangulation by sea. If those two empires CANNOT control their surrounding seas, they are finished.

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14y ago

Japan was part of the Axis.

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