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Q: What was Cuba relationship with the U.S. in 1898-1903?
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What is the relationship between US and Cuba?

It is extremely strained.

What violent events affected Cuba with the US relationship?

Spanish-American War

What event in 1959 changed the relationship between cuba and the US?

Fidel Castro came to power.

What laws and policies affected cuba's relationship with the US?

The Spanish-American War and the Sinking of the Maine

How did the relationship with cuba and Puerto Rico change after the spanish American war?

The United States and Cuba were no longer allies after the Spanish American War. Today, Puerto Rico is still a US territory and they maintain a peaceful relationship.

What relationship does cuba have with the US?

The United States has had a trade embargo in place against Cuba since Fidel Castro took power over 50 years ago.

What is the relationship of the US with Cuba?

Although the United States still has no official diplomatic relations with Cuba, things have improved a bit since the early 1960s. We have begun to allow limited business dealings along with some travel to Cuba.

What is the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba today?

As of August 2016, Cuba and the United States have a difficult relationship but are moving closer to normalization.

What type of relationship do the US and Cuba have today?

The two countries do not really have relations. Under the Obama presidency, some ties have been restored between the US and Cuba, but the two countries continue to view each other with suspicion and distrust.

Why the US make Cuba a protectorate?

The US and Cuban relationship has always had a degree of strain. The idea behind the protectorate notion was to keep communist ideas in check.