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it was a land bridge conexting America and alska and the early Americans walked across to get food and shelter

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Q: What was Beringia and how was it important to the early humans?
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What was the name of the land bridge that scientists believe early humans crossed over to migrate to North America?

The answer is Beringia.

What was the land bridge during the ice ages called?

The land bridge that connected Asia and North America during the ice ages is called Beringia. This allowed early humans and animals to migrate between the two continents.

How did the early Americans get to American?

They came over by Beringia " The land bridge" to get where they were going

Why is Africa and important continent in the history of early humans?

-because thats where humans evolved

Did the early Nomads travel from Siberia to Alaska across Beringia?

in search of hunting grounds and food

Which continents did beringia connect?

Beringia connected Asia with North America during the last Ice Age, serving as a land bridge between the two continents. This connection allowed for the migration of humans and animals between the two continents. Today, Beringia is submerged under the Bering Sea.

Early man came from Asia to north America by crossing a land bridge. where was this bidge located?

The land bridge connecting Asia and North America is called Beringia. It was located in the present-day Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska. This land bridge emerged during the last Ice Age when sea levels dropped, allowing early humans to migrate to North America.

Why was the develpement of technology important to early humans?

becaues ur stupied

What important discoveries were made in cactus hill?

They found the early humans.

How do you pronounce Beringia?

bear-in-gee-a Beringia ;)

Why was hunting so important to early humans?

Hunting was important to early humans as it provided a reliable food source for survival. It also allowed early humans to develop skills in tracking, teamwork, and weapon-making. Additionally, hunting played a role in shaping social structures and cultural practices within early human societies.

What did beringia connect?

Beringia connected Asia and North America during the last Ice Age. It served as a land bridge that allowed plants, animals, and eventually humans to cross between the two continents.