Due directly to the gold rushes, Victoria's population grew from a new colony of about 76,000 people in 1851, to the most prosperous colony with the largest population of 540,000 people by 1861. Victoria's population represented 45% of the Australian population.
for AP USH, the answer is 1850-1860 or just 1860
According to the US Census of 1860, the US population grew 35% from its level in 1850. Part of this increase was due to a rise in the slave population. In 1860, approximately 14% of the US were slaves.
Johnnie Jo Dickenson has written: 'Walker County, Texas 1850-1860 census' -- subject(s): Census, 1850, Census, 1860, Census, 7th, 1850, Census, 8th, 1860, Genealogy, Registers of births
1850 - 1860
The population for Dallas in 1850 was 1.223.789
In 1850, Australia's population was an estimated 405,300.
Well i know a few years but not the rest because i can't find the rest so........... 1850=405 400 1851=648 900 1858=833 600 1860=1 145 600 Hope i could help if you find any of the other years could you please let me know thanks
In 1860--the last decennial census before the Civil War--Mississippi and South Carolina had larger slave population than free population. The same was true in 1850. (Note that "free population" is not the same thing as "white population", but that's the data we have).
Dorothy O. Teel has written: '1850 census, Sumter-District, South Carolina' -- subject(s): Census, 1850, Registers of births, Genealogy, Census, 7th, 1850 '1860 census, Clarendon District, South Carolina' -- subject(s): Census, 1860, Registers of births, Census, 8th, 1860, Genealogy
In 1860, the slave population in Tennessee was approximately 275,719.