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postman are leally allowed to go through a red light

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Q: What vehicles are legally allowed to go through a red light in the UK?
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Why is a postman legally allowed to go through a red light in the UK?

In the UK, postmen are allowed to go through a red light if they are operating in the course of duty and it's safe to do so. This is under the 'crown exemption' which allows emergency vehicles and vehicles on important governmental business to bypass certain road regulations in specific circumstances.

What vehicles are legally allowed to go through a red light?

In most places, emergency vehicles such as police cars, firetrucks, and ambulances are legally allowed to go through a red light when responding to an emergency with their lights and sirens activated.

Which is the only vehicle allowed to go through a red light?

Emergency vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances only.

Only vehicle allowed to blow red light?

Emergency vehicles only

Can a postman go through a red light?

No, they are required to obey the laws except for the seat belt laws, they do have certin restrictions with that

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Some light is allowed to pass through, but not all, making it translucent.

Can you have a blue light on your motorcycle?

This varies in different countries. In the USA, it is allowed in few states but banned in others. As the police in many countries use blue light on police vehicles then blue is not allowed on private motorcycles.

Does a person legally have to look right and left before moving their vehicle if their light is green?

No, this is not a law, it is a safety measure to ensure that nobody is running a red light or emergency vehicles are coming.

Who can legally go through a red traffic light?

In general, emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks have the legal authority to go through a red traffic light when responding to emergencies. However, they must do so cautiously and ensure that it is safe to proceed.

Can the queens messenger legally pass through a red traffic light in the UK?

The basic answer is 'no' - unless of course the Queens Messenger is being driven by someone who can legally pass through a red traffic light - i.e. a Police Officer in legal pursuit of a suspect.

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Opaque is antonym for transparent. Transparency allows light to pass through. Glass, water are examples. If light is not allowed to pass through then such a substance is termed as opaque.