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Q: What ultimatum did Austria-Hungary give to Serbia in 1914?
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When given an ultimatum, he chose to leave the relationship rather than give in to her demands of relocating.

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Marry Paris or I throw you out of the house.

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The mob boss called and issued a threat and an ultimatum.

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Lord Capulet is initially shocked and angry at Juliet's refusal to marry Paris. He gives her an ultimatum to either marry Paris or be disowned and thrown out of the house.

If you and your ex are still in love but shes got a new partner and you both still want to be together but after a week she's still with new person do you move on or give ultimatum them or me?

Well maybe you should think before you leap, if you guys are "in love" she should have already left the other person. At this this point I would give ultimatum asap!!!

What was Austria Hungary's Rivalry against Russia in World War 1 about?

They both wanted dominance of the Balkans. Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and Herzegovina were there were a large number of ethnic Serbs. So Serbia believed they should control this area. In Russia at the time there was a belief in pan-Slavism (that all the Slavs in the world should help each other, in this case Russia should help Serbia). So when Austria-Hungary threatened to invade Serbia if its demands were not met in 1914 Russia came to help its ally and "Slav brother" Serbia, this would also serve to give Russia dominance in the Balkans.

How do you tell your boyfriend not to cheat with you?

Well first of all give him the ultimatum, next time he cheats on you thats it, it's officially a break up

What do you do if a guy really likes you but is currently in a relationship?

Common answer is give him an ultimatum, but i would suggest waiting till his relationship implodes or he gives up on you.

If your boyfriend requests to see you only once in awhile after he has said he will not likely ever get involved seriously with anyone is it fair to give him an ultimatum?

No it isn't wrong of you to give him an ultimatum. He wants things all his way. Tell him if he moves on to keep moving because you plan on getting back into the dating circuit. You aren't married, so don't miss out on you freedom to do the things YOU want.