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The Bonneville Cutthroat Trout.

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Q: What types of fish live in Utah's forested lakes and streams?
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What are four main types of freshwater ecosystems?

Streams,rivers,ponds,lakes are the four main freshwater ecosystems

Do piranhas live in South America?

Many different types of piranhas live in the rivers, streams and lakes of South America, ranging from small to quite large and lethal.

What are the 2 types of freshwater ecosystems?

There are two general terms that categorize freshwater ecosystems. Lentic refers to standing bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands) while lotic refers to flowing systems (streams and rivers).

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marine biome: oceans, coral reefs, estuaries. freshwater biome: ponds and lakes, streams and rivers, wetlands.

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dragonflies can be found mostly by rivers, lakes and streams

What types of fish live in mountain streams?

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What are two types of streams?


What are the different lakes in Paris France?

many different types of lakes

Types of data sources?

Databases and file streams.

What types of water is in lakes?


What are the different types of streams?

The main types of streams are coldwater streams, which have cooler temperatures and support fish like trout; warmwater streams, which have higher temperatures and support fish like bass and sunfish; and transitional streams, which are influenced by tidal or anthropogenic effects. Each type of stream has unique characteristics and supports different aquatic life.

Why do axolotls live underwater?

yes, axolotls do only live in the water since it only has gills