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Q: What type of unfair fighting used by the north Vietnamese army during the Vietnam conflict?
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Are you talking about a North Vietnamese or South Vietnamese EMBASSY? There would have been no such thing as a Vietnamese Embassy during the Vietnam War. There was no country called Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam shifted the burden of the ground fighting from American troops to what?

Vietnam shifted the burden of the ground fighting from American troops to South Vietnamese troops during the later stages of the war. This was called "Vietnamization".

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North Vietnamese soldiers were referred to as the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) by the GI's in Vietnam, during the war. Southern Communist soldiers living in South Vietnam and fighting in South Vietnam, were called the Viet Cong (VC).

Nature of fighting in the Vietnam war?

the Vietnamese used gorilla warfare during the Vietnam war. this meant that they were relying on ambush in the war. they built most of their bases underground.

The viet cong were the army of the south vietnamese communists?

The Viet Cong were actually a guerrilla force fighting against the South Vietnamese government and its allies during the Vietnam War. They were a communist insurgency movement with connections to North Vietnam. They were not the army of the South Vietnamese communists, but rather a separate entity that fought alongside the North Vietnamese army.

Who supplied north Vietnam with weapons during the vietnamese conflict?

United States supplied South Viet Nam (now spell, Vietnam "to make it look better").

The type of fighting which was most common during the Vietnam conflict was?

"Guerrilla Warfare" was the most common type of fighting used by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam Conflict. This kind of irregular warfare is characterized by small groups of mobile combatants who ambush, raid and harass their enemies. The purpose of Guerrilla Warfare is to weaken the resolve and resources of the enemy and force them to withdraw. These small groups of fighters generally avoided large battles and chose their targets carefully to minimize losses. This is one of the most effective tactics used when fighting an enemy with overwhelming numbers and resources.

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!

What are the demand of north Vietnamese?

If by the North Vietnamese you mean during the Vietnam war their goal was to unite all of Vietnam under a communist regime. Which was successful.

Who was the vietnamese communist during the Vietnam war?

North Vietnam & VC living in South VN.

What is the nationalities of Vietnam?

Montagnard and Vietnamese; The Montagnards (French for Mountaineer/Mountain People) were considered (during the war) to be the original inhabitants of Vietnam. The Vietnamese were considered (during the war) to be immigrants from Ancient China.

Who captured john McCain in world war 1?

No one captured John McCain in WWI, he was taken a prisoner of war during the Vietnam conflict by the North Vietnamese Army.