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north european plains

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Q: What type of landform is half of Europe covered by?
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What type of landform best describs the continent of Europe?

A peninsula because it has three sides covered with water. because Russia is not a part of Europe!!!! ur welcome!!! :) ;) <3

What type of landform does the contient of Europe form?

A Peninsula

What type of landform does the continent of Europe's form?

Physiographically, Europe is the northwestern peninsula of the larger landmass known as Eurasia (or Afro-Eurasia). what type of landform does the continent of Europe form? peninsula a body of land nearly sourrounded by water a peninsula

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Physiographically, Europe is the northwestern peninsula of the larger landmass known as Eurasia (or Afro-Eurasia).

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it is cute that is the answer

What is the name of a landform which has steep sides and a flat top?

the type of landform is a plateau.