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Peru has a market-based economy heavily influenced by foreign trade.

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Q: What type of economy does Peru live in?
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What type of housing does Peru have?

Peru has the same type of housing that the United States does. People in Peru either live in homes, apartments, condos, or in some cases, hostels.

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Type your answer here... THe industrys that drive the econmy for peru is the manufacturing industry that your mom gets f***** in the a** hole newtest3

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What is the economy like in peru?

Peru has a good economy. Peru exportspetroleum zinc, silver, lead, tin, copper, iron ore, gold ,cement, cotton, sugar, rice, and coffee

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a barter economy

What if your neighbor trades you a baseball cap for a book What type of economy do you live in?

a barter economy

Is Peru's economy strong or weak?

Peru has a good economy. Peru exportspetroleum zinc, silver, lead, tin, copper, iron ore, gold ,cement, cotton, sugar, rice, and coffee

Is Peru's economy in good shape right now?

No Peru had good economy all the the way up to 2008. For 7 years they had good economy but then the economy went bad in 2008. I don't know that economy rate is right now. But it is not there best.

Where does the vice president of Peru live?

in Peru?

Who own economy in Peru?

the top 10% of wealth

What are the challenges facing Peru's economy?

Hard to mine