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Eastern Europe is a continental climate. This is where winters are cold and summers are hot, basically a huge contrast between seasons.

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A continental climate. Which means the winters are cold and the summers are hot just like in the middle of the USA. Hope this helps.

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Eastern Europe has a continental climate. This being cold winters and warm summers, a drastic contrast between seasons.

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Well, most of Central Europe has maritime climate while most of Eastern Europe has continental climate.

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12y ago

Dat Polar Climate.

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Q: What type of climate does eastern Europe have?
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Eastern Europe is a continental climate. This is where winters are cold and summers are hot, basically a huge contrast between seasons.

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Which of the following is NOT a main climate zone in Europe?

Well there are only four main climate zones in Europe, so if they are not a part of the list, then they are not a main climate zone in Europe. The main climate zones are Mediterranean Climate, Continental Climate, Oceanic Climate, and Subarctic Climate. These climate zones may also be expressed as regions: Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Northern Europe.

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Maritime climate.