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Q: What two states in the United States are considered split states?
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What two states are considered split states?


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A motorcycle cannot legally lane split in any state in the United States. However, in California, it is not often penalized.

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Samoa as a whole was once part of the United States. It is now split into Western Samoa and U.S. Samoa.

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United States

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They lost the war and were re-integrated into the United states.

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Hawaii had never splitted from the United States.

The United States and which country split Samoa between them?

Germany and then New Zealand.

What two nations was the country split into due to civil war?

United states of America (North) and the Confederate states of America (south)

What policy did the United states follow during World War I?

The United States proclaimed its neutrality and isolationist policies while Europe was being split up and fighting.

What were the second 10 states in the US?

The first 13 states became a country in 1776, but when the Constitution of the United States was being ratified in 1787-1790 the original 13 states were essentially being re-admitted into the new Constitutional United States. This means that the "first" 13 states were not admitted at the same time. The 14th through 23rd states were admitted into the union from 1791-1820 The "second" 10 states admitted into the union are: Vermont (Split from New York), Kentucky (Split from Virginia), Tennessee (Split from North Carolina), Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama and Maine (Split from Massachusetts).