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It is divided into Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt :)

Hope that helped. (:

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11y ago

it was devided into thebes and napata

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Q: What two regions was Ancient Egypt divided into?
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Egypt was divided into two regions Upper and Lower Egypt. In paintings from ancient Egypt how can one tell the extent of a pharaoh's rule?

You can't tell just from a painting.

What are two regions or Ancient Egypt and what direction are they in?

upper Egypt is in the south. lower Egypt is in the north

How was ancient Egypt divided into two?

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What were the two regions the made up ancient Egypt?

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How do scholars traditionally divide the history of ancient Egypt?

history for ancient Egypt is divided into dynasties which are 100 year segments

Where were the two regions that was made up ancient Egypt?

Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt

What ancient included two regions a southern region and a northern region?

One ancient civilization that included two regions, a southern region and a northern region, is Ancient Egypt. The southern region, known as Upper Egypt, was located along the Nile River in the southern part of the country, while the northern region, known as Lower Egypt, was located in the Nile Delta region in the north. These two regions were eventually united under the rule of the pharaohs, creating a single kingdom.

How was Egypt divided in ancient time?

it feels like sepereating so two king kdomes sepreatd

How many parts of ancient Egypt was there?

There were two parts Ancient Egypt, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

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What ere the two regions that maid-up Egypt?

Lower and upper egypt