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Mongolia and Kiev..... They broke away and smoked a crap ton of ganja and then got taked back and never smoked ganja again.

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Q: What two provinces broke away and formd kingdoms that were hostile to the Easter slavs?
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is this 4 ur hmw? after 20 minutes of reading i finally got itby the 1000s , however muslin unity on the peninsula broke down. Spanish & Portuguese kingdoms rose to defeat the Muslim forces. King Fernand and Queen Isabella unified through military and religious

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When did Europe break into small kingdoms?

Western Europe was split into small kingdoms during the Middle Ages. This was a period of European isolation from the rest of the world directly after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Small tribes established their own kingdoms (or even empires). Kings eventually came into play where they established power over a large area, splitting their area into small slices for nobles to rule over. Knights were then protectors of the land, and ordinary citizens and even slaves/serfs lived on the land as well. A kingdom was basically a small, functioning country.

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What is the significance of an Easter egg?

In many ancient cultures, eggs were a common symbol new life and immortality. In medieval times, Christians adapted the egg to their own religious devotions by giving up the eating of eggs during Lent and resuming it after Easter. Eggs came to represent the Lord's resurrection -- just as Christ broke out of the tomb on Easter morning, the yolk of the egg breaks out of its shell when cracked. The decoration of eggs for Easter is part of the folk traditions of many cultures, although it has little or no religious significance any more.