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Jews and Palestinians.

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Q: What two groups are in conflict over claims to Palestinian territory?
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What political Palestinian groups considered by the US as terrorist groups?

palestinian territories are occupied by israel.

What are the similarities between the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Indian-Pakistani Conflict?

No. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is something that actually exists. There is no such thing as the Indian-Palestinian Conflict. Therefore, they cannot be the same thing. Perhaps you mean the Indian-Pakistani Conflict, which is a real conflict, but a different one from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Both conflicts are similar in that there were two different groups of people were living in the same former colony that wanted to each form their own country and did so with varying degrees of success.

Why does the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict continue?

International focus groups and thinktanks have come up with solutions and there have been several peace treaties attempted, but there are too many people who are too unwilling to compromise to implement them. People on both sides are far too interested in justice and not interested enough in peace and tranquility.None of the serious issues that inflame the conflict have really been resolved. To read about the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, please see the Related Question below.What are the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?What are the causes of the Jewish-Arab Conflict?

What is structural conflict?

Structural conflict theory states that conflicts in society happen because of claims for the same resource. As a results, various structured groups fight against one another.

What groups might dispute European land claims in the west?

The Spanish and the French were negotiating the ownership of the Louisiana territory.

What are sources of conflict between the PLO and the Zionists?

The sources of conflict between the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization which has now been subsumed into the official State of Palestine government, and the Zionists, which have now been subsumed into the State of Israel and its general supporters, are no different than those between the Israelis and Palestinians as general groups. As a result, it makes more sense to read the Related Question which discusses the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

What was the worst war of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Although it's not typically considered a "war" the First Intifada caused immense pain and suffering in both the Palestinian Territories and in Israel. It was probably the worst engagement between the two groups and resulted in the highest overall number of fatalities.

How did the Palestinian war start?

Although no official "Palestinian Israeli war" exists, there have been tensions between the two groups ever since Israel was carved out of Palestinian territory in 1948 by the UN. Many Palestinians see this as a pseudo-colonial act while the UN would argue that it was necessary after the atrocities of the Holocaust. However, there is such a thing as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Please see the Related Question below to read more about when it started. If you are using "Israeli-Palestinian War" to refer to the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9, this war started in May 1948, as soon as Israel declared itself an independent state and was promptly invaded by 7 Arab Armies. The Israeli-Palestinian Engagement occurred even earlier in September of 1947.

The conflict in Israel today is between which two religious groups?

It depends which "Conflict in Israel" the question is asking about. If it is asking about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the conflict is, strictly speaking, between Israelis and Palestinians which are national groups, not religious groups. However, the majority of Israelis are Jewish and the majority of Palestinians are Muslim. (However, there are numerous Muslim Israelis, Druze Israelis, and there are both Christian Israelis and Christian Palestinians.) If it is asking about Israel's internal political conflicts, they are often between Secular Jews and Religious Jews.

How long has genocide been going on for?

There was no genocide in Palestine. This is hyperbole. The actual Israeli-Palestinian Conflict has been going on since the 1920s or late 1940s depending on how you define the groups. To read more about why Palestine is not a genocide or how the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict began, please see the Related Questions below.

What is structural conflict theory?

Structural conflict theory suggests that conflict arises from inequalities in society's institutions and structures, leading to competition for resources and power among different groups. It focuses on how these structural imbalances create and perpetuate conflict and social issues.

What did Palestinian leader Mahmoud ABBAs promise after succeeding Yasir Arafat in 2004?

He called for Palestinian groups to end the use of arms against Israelis.