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how did england, France and the Netherlands view the treaty of tordesillas

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Idell Dietrich

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how did england, France and the Netherlands view the treaty of tordesillas

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Q: What two factors pushed europeans to establish settlement in the Americans?
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What fundamental factors drew the Europeans to the explorations conquest and settlement of the new world?

God, Glory, and Gold

What are the site factors that would influence settlement in a particular town or city?

Site factors that influence settlement in a town or city include access to resources (such as water and fertile land), natural features (such as mountains or rivers), transportation routes, climate, and proximity to markets or trade routes. These factors can determine the attractiveness of a site for people to establish a settlement.

What are the causes of settlement nucleation?

Settlement nucleation can be caused by factors such as topography (natural features that encourage settlement clustering), access to resources (like water or fertile land), transportation routes, and historical or cultural considerations (such as the presence of a religious or political center). These factors can influence where people choose to establish a settlement, leading to nucleated patterns of development.

Are religion and little education the only factors making US-Americans more homophobic than Europeans?

No, age and location are factors, among others.

What influences settlement patterns?

Settlement patterns are influenced by factors such as geographical features, climate, resources, economic opportunities, transportation networks, political stability, cultural factors, and historical events. These elements play a crucial role in determining where people choose to live and establish communities.

What is settlement nucleation in settlement geography?

Settlement nucleation refers to the process where people gather and establish a settlement in a specific location, often due to factors like availability of resources, strategic location, or cultural significance. This process results in the clustering of buildings and infrastructure in a concentrated area, leading to the development of a defined settlement pattern.

What factors led to the conquest of native Americans by the spanish?

the native americans were weakened by various diseases that were brought by the europeans e.g. small pox, measles and chicken pox the europeans used superior weapon , had helmets for protection during the fight , and also had horses which the native americans had neverf seen before, the native americans thought that all that was taking place was a sign of the end of the world . there was division and therfore disunity among the native americans, this made the europeans conquer them easily due to their division.

What factors led the Europeans to begin their voyages of?

What factors led the Europeans to begin to begin their voyages of exploration?

Do Americans watch more TV than do Europeans?

On average, Americans may watch more TV than Europeans due to cultural and lifestyle differences. Factors such as the availability of TV shows, advertising, and leisure preferences can contribute to higher TV consumption in the U.S. compared to Europe.

Why was the Roanoke settlement doomed from their inception?

The Roanoke settlement faced challenges such as lack of resources, conflicts with Native Americans, and harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, delayed resupply missions and communication with England contributed to their ultimate disappearance. These factors combined to make the settlement vulnerable and ultimately doomed its survival.

How did the factors of production help European governments to establish industry?

How did the factors of production help european governments to establish industry?

Why was the Roanoke settlement doomed from its inception?

The Roanoke settlement faced challenges from the beginning due to issues such as limited resources, conflicts with Native Americans, and lack of support from England. These factors, combined with harsh conditions and internal disputes, contributed to the eventual disappearance of the colonists.