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Corn and potatoes .

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Q: What two crops from the Americas became food staples in Europe and Africa?
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How did potatoes and corn affect the population of Europe and Africa?

Potatoes and corn, introduced from the Americas, had a significant impact on the population of Europe and Africa by providing a nutritious and plentiful food source, leading to population growth. In Europe, the introduction of potatoes helped mitigate famines, while in Africa, corn became a staple crop that contributed to increased population density in certain regions.

How was Africa changed by the introduction of cash crops in the Americas?

Small farms became rich

How did the Columbian exchange affect Europe Africa and the Americas?

The Columbian Exchange dramatically changed the course of history, culture, politics, and everything else in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. What Africa got out of it was slavery. While a few men may have profited from selling off kidnapped people from rival tribes to the Europeans, millions of people would be directly exported from Africa, sometimes to Europe, but the vast majority to the Americas, mostly to work on the plantations and farms of the southern British colonies and Latin America. The Americas got colonized by the European powers, sometimes with their resources being taken advantage of and their native people displaced and even slaughtered, but they truly became the New World that would forever dramatically change the face of the world. Europe, of course, received infinite opportunities in the Americas, in terms of land, resources, new people and products to interact with, and a whole new frontier for the politics and history of the world to take place on. And, of course, absolutely incredible opportunities to expand their empires.

How did the Monroe doctrine impact Europe's colonization in the western hemisphere?

Further European colonization of the Americas was prohibited.

Which external factor was most likely to have caused the downfall of Africans culture?

Europe became increasingly interested in exerting direct control over Africa's raw materials.

Which Genoese mariner and ship's captain became the first European during the age of exploration to sail directly from Europe to the Americas?

Christopher Columbus.

In addition to the Pacific and Europe what other region of the world became a battlefield in World War 2?

Atlantic, Africa

How did the monroe doctrine impact Europe's coloniztaion of the the western hemisphere?

The United States became involved European affairs and further European colonization of the Americas was prohibited.

What effect did the defeat of Spanish Armada have on Europe?

Well when Europe defeated the spanish armada, Europe became very strong and feared by many other countries.

Who controlled African slave trade?

It was a trading triangle:- Goods were sailed to West Africa and exchanged for slaves. The slaves were sailed to America and exchanged for tobacco, sugar and cotton. Tobacco, sugar and cotton were sailed to Europe and exchanged for money The money was used to purchase more goods to be sailed to Africa. Profit was taken out at each point in the triangle by the most money was made at the third point when goods form the Americas came back to Europe. That said the slave trading kingdoms in Africa became quite prosperous too as did the American plantation owners.

Where did neanderthals come from?

Neanderthals are believed to have originated in Europe, particularly in regions such as Spain, France, and Germany. They existed alongside early modern humans (Homo sapiens) for a period of time before eventually going extinct around 40,000 years ago.

When did lions live in Europe?

Cave lions were the only type of lions that lived in Europe and outside of Africa. They were very large creatures who typically lived in caves, hence the name. They originated in Europe 700,000 years ago and became extinct only about 10,000 years ago.