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Q: What treaties did Greece take part in?
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What games could the woman of Greece take part in?

Any they felt they could take part in.

What games could the women of Greece take part in?

they were weired

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Name some of the countries that take part in the Olympics?

Australia and Greece are some

Could women attend or take part in plays in ancient Greece?

For all the credit ancient Greece gets as the cradle of Democracy, it was a Men's Club. Women were not allowed to take part in plays, or attend athletic competitions.

In which continent is Greece?

Greece is part of the continent of Europe.

Why were women in early Greece allowed to play in the olympic games?

Women in early Greece were not allowed to take part in their olympic games.

Does Greece take up a large part of Europe's northern coastline?

Greece isn't even remotely close to Europe's northern coastline.

What part of government has power to consider treaties with foreign countries?

the president has the power to create treaties

Can the judges make treaties?

No, that is not a function of that part of society.

Greece is it in the latin part of America?

No. Greece is on the south eastern part of Europe.