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If you are talking about the American gold rush (the 49'ers), I believe they would have taken the Santa Fe trail across New Mexico to the West.

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Q: What trail did miners take to get to the gold rush?
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What routes did settlers take to reach the west in the early 1800'S?

The Oregon Trail, the Western trail, the mormom trail and the California trail during the gold rush in 1846

What event caused large numbers of people to travel across this trail?

Gold rush not 100 percent sure but take a shot.

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He played a tramp, who traveled to Alaska to take part in the Gold Rush.

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Miners would often travel to California in the 1800's by horse or wagon. It could take up to a year for them to travel that far.

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Why do they call the football team 49ers the 49ers?

The name 49ers harkens back to the gold rush in the mid 1800's when people were migrating west in search of gold. The Gold Rush, as it was called, began in 1849 so often the people heading out that way were called 49ers. The team took it's name from those people, and it is often thought that their gold helmets are a reflection of the Gold Rush itself.

What year did the California gold rush take place?

The California Gold Rush started on January 24, 1848 and lasted seven years, till 1855.

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What years did the Colorado gold rush take place?

From 1858 to 1861.