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Firstly dead body is washed cleanly with water(ghusal),then body is wrapped with white clean cloth and put it on the carrier and taken to graveyard the dead body is followed by all realtives friends nighbers and scholers.Everyone wants to put the carrier on his shoulder to get (sawab),when reached to graveyard there the scholer give pray(namaz janaza) and at the end he is put in the grave peacefully.

Afghans follow the Islamic way of burial. If the deceased is male he is washed by men or if women she will be washed by women. After the body is washed its wraped in white cloth and no tear drop is supposed to fall on the body otherwise it has to be washed again. The head of the dead body is supposed to face to the qabla (towards mecca).

After the body is buried there will be a funeral at the mosque.

For 40 days there will be grieving and prayers.

The 3rd day after the death is an important day and the every Friday night for 40 days. Also for 40 days the dinner of dead is given out, in Afghanistan it used to be to the poor but in western countries the food needs to leave the house of the family.

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13y ago

The Afghan, or more correctly, Pakhtun (Pashtun) people are fiercely independent people. There are actually at least four or five different ethnic groups that make up the people who live in and around Afghanistan - in the north are Tajiks, in the South are Pakhtun, in the west are Herati, and in the east are the Durrani, Arakzai, Yeshufzai, and others. Afghanistan is a country in name only - it's people have always been warlike, unfriendly to invaders, and very difficult to control. No conqueror, from Alexander the great, to the Soviets, have been able to successfully occupy the area and keep it 'under control'. The Afghan people do not like outsiders coming in and telling them how to live. They tend to kill them. The kicked the British Army's butt three times, the Russians, the Turks, the Greeks, the Persians, and kept the Mongols from having any real fun there. Now it's our turn, I suppose.

The Afghans are, nevertheless, a friendly (to other friendly people) race, trusting, hospitable, and have a long tradition of religious fundamentalism. All they ever want is to be left alone.

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14y ago

They love to make poetry in an Symbol freedom and independence.

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