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you look stuff up

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Q: What to do when your reaserching?
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From reaserching,he died on February14, 1943 at the age of 81.

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Hee hee i odnt know im just reaserching xD NPH

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I've come to find out after reaserching this question that this star is called "Sirius A"

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as far as I've been reaserching the internet.. you can't increase the psp's internet memory

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Well I was reaserching my town Union City OH/IN and I found out the first one was built in Union City Indiana.

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Iv tried everything, Iv even tryed showing my mum loads of cute rabbit pictures, Reaserching Infomation And even offered to pay everything, AND LOOK AFTER IT ;'[

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im not sure about that but i was recently reaserching random sites to help me with my test and went on Trojan and accidentally got a virus.the purpose of me saying this is to warn people that you can never be too careful.hope this helped...happy hunting. im not sure about that but i was recently reaserching random sites to help me with my test and went on Trojan and accidentally got a virus.the purpose of me saying this is to warn people that you can never be too careful.hope this helped...happy hunting.

Is polyester man made or natural?

I have researched that polyester is ............................................. Natural .sorry for all those who thought it was man-made shows that materials are very hard thing to guess i had to find this out for one of my patients dressings for their skin graft i am a sergeun in LA so i am always reaserching .Dr B