Bowmanville, Ontario and Oshawa, Ontario are about 14 miles apart. It should take about 20minutes to get there. This will vary based on your exact location in Oshawa.
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada was incorporated in 1850. It is located on the shoreline of Lake Ontario, and has a population of 157,000 people.
The driving distance from Pickering to Oshawa is 21.6 km- about 18 mins.
94 miles
31.33 miles.
The area of Oshawa, a city in Ontario, Canada, is approximately 145 square kilometers.
128 miles
Oshawa, Ontario
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
There is approximately 5,805 miles between Egypt and Oshawa, Ontario Canada. A flight would take about 12 hours to complete.
The distance from Wiggins, Mississippi to Oshawa, Ontario is 1706 km (1060 miles).
110 km taking HIGHWAY 401.