It opened at 9:30 am Eastern Time or 1330 GMT.
When it is 1330 GMT, it is 8:30 EST. GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. EST stands for Eastern Standard Time, and is used on the Eastern side of the United States.
In North America, 1330 Central Daylight Saving Time = 1330 Eastern Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Daylight Saving Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Standard Time = 1530 Eastern Daylight Saving Time. In Australia, 1330 Central Summer Time = 1300 Eastern Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Summer Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Standard Time = 1500 Eastern Summer Time.
At 1300 EST (in North America), the time in the U.K. is 1900 BST from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 1800 GMT during the rest of the year. If you are referring to Australian Eastern Standard Time, at 1300 AEST, the time in the U.K. is 0400 BST from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 0300 GMT during the rest of the year. EST = UTC-5 GMT = UTC+0 BST = UTC+1 AEST = UTC+10
Eastern Standard Time is GMT -5hours. 1:31 EST would be 6:31 GMT. Eastern Daylight Time is GMT -4 hours. 1:31 EDT would be 5:31GMT.
The time for EST is GMT-5 so that would make 23.33GMT 18.33EST
7 PM GMT is 3 PM Eastern Standard Time. 4 AM GMT is 11 PM Eastern Standard Time.
9.30 AM Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time = 10.30 PM GMT 9.30 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time = 11.30 PM GMT 9.30 AM American Eastern Daylight Saving Time = 1.30 PM GMT 9.30 AM American Eastern Standard Time = 2.30 PM GMT
19:30 GMT is equivalent to 2:30 PM Eastern Time.
It would be 2:00am in the eastern time zone. Eastern time is 4 hours behind GMT during standard time.
Cincinnati is located in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5).
8 AM GMT is 11 AM in Kenyan time. Kenya is 3 hours ahead of GMT.