California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
CA = Pacific CO = mountain Chicago = central
The time difference between Pretoria, Africa and Chicago, Illinois is 8 hours. Pretoria is 8 hours ahead of Chicago.
7 am
It would be 8 AM in California. California is 2 hours behind Minnesota.
When it is 5pm in California, it is 7pm in Chicago. Chicago is 2 hours ahead of California.
California is in the Pacific Time Zone or GMT -8 hours. California is in Pacific Standard Time (PST = UTC - 8 hrs.) from the first Sunday of November until the second Sunday of March. California is in Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT = UTC - 7 hrs.) from the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November.
8 hours.
Atlanta is on Eastern time and Chicago is on central time. The difference is 1 hour
8 hours
8:00 pm
At 1 pm in London, it would be 5 am in California. California is 8 hours behind London time.