Trading Hours : 0900 - 1230hr, 1400 - 1700hr
Pre-Open : 0830 - 0859hr
Non-Cancel : 0859 - 0900hr
Adjust Phase : 1230 - 1359hr
Non-Cancel : 1359 - 1400hr
Pre-Close : 1700 - 1705hr
Non-Cancel : 1705 - 1706hr
Singapore stock exchange trading hours are 0900 - 1230hr, 1400 - 1700hr, Monday to Friday. See related link for detail.
= What time does the new york stock exchange currently open and close? =
the question should be more specific to which stock exchange is being refereed to
9.00am 9.00am
4.30 AM is the open time ~Legend Ani
9.30am EST is the standard time for the equity markets to open in the US
The German Stock Exchange opens Monday through Friday at 7am UTC. The U.S. Stock Exchange opens at 8am EST Monday through Friday.
9am to 5pm
1.00 pm IST
The New York Stock Exchange opens at 9:30 a.m. local time. This converts to 2:30 p.m. London time.