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Q: What time does it get dark in Lithuania during the summer?
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How hot is it in the summer time in Lithuania?

Very hot, over 20 degrees :)

Is Antarctica dark all the time in summer?

No. It's dark in winter and light in summer.

Why does dark blonde hair go lighter in the summer?

Dark blonde hair gets lighter in the summer due to the intensity of the ultra violet rays of the sun. During the summer months you are spending more time outdoors and your hair is exposed to the sun for longer periods of time.

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When do rattlesnakes prefer to hunt?

During the hot summer months they usually are abroad after dark when it is cooler. In cooler months they may be abroad during the day.

Difference between during summer holidays and in summer holidays?

during summer holidays is a time within the summer holidays, and summer holidays are summer holidays altogether.

When and where was the hottest time in Alaska?

The highest temperature recorded in Alaska was 100°F (38°C) in Fort Yukon on June 27, 1915. This temperature remains the state's all-time record high.

What time does it get dark in Michigan in summer?

around 9:30 pm (2130)

What time does it get dark in the Isle Of Man?

That depends on the time of year. In winter it can be dark by 5pm. In summer it can be bright until as late as 11pm on a clear night.

How old do kids have to be to work in Lithuania?

At least sixteen to get a part-time job, like in a summer holidays and eighteen to get a full-time job. Laws are the same as in other EU countries

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During Oktoberfes summer time

How many hours of darkness could you expect during a twenty-four hour time period at the Arctic Circle?

It depends on the time of the year for the four winter months it is completely dark and the summer it is sunny at all times