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Q: What time do Germans get up?
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What were the Germans defeated in a major battle for the first time in the war?

were the Germans defeated in a major battle for the first time in the war?

What types of food do Germans like and dislike?

Germans have to be on time to everything or they think that it is bad for them

What are Germans's character traits?

Stereotypical Germans are always on time, clean, polite, reserved.

What were stailins goals in Europe at the beginning of world war 2?

Repel the Germans and get them out of his country. He tried signing a non-aggression pact to buy time because he knew the Germans would eventually come. But he wanted to build up his forces in the east in case the Japanese attacked Russia. He built it up and ended up having to use his eastern forces on the Nazi Germans.

Where did the Germans start putting the Jews in the late 1930's?

The Germans encouraged emigration at this time.

Did the Germans create the uboats?

Yes the Germans created uboats, they have had them since the dawn of time, litterally

Did Alexander the Great fight the Germans?

No he did'nt fight the germans, because the Germans did'nt excist at that time period as we know them today, They were called Saxons

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Did the jews ever deny the germans work?

Jews did not prevent Germans from working at any time in German history.

Why did the Germans NOT stop Hitler and the concentration camps?

These things didn't figure anywhere in most Germans' priorities at the time.

What does 'good Germans' mean?

In and after World War 2 and for time afterwards the term good Germans was used in English-speaking countries for Germans who were opposed to the Nazi regime.

Are Germans usually on time or late?

Germans are known for being punctual and value punctuality highly in their culture. It is generally expected and respected to be on time for appointments, meetings, and social gatherings in Germany.