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Q: What three ways that's Stalin improved communist russia?
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Why did Russia become a totalitarian dictatorship after World War 1?

The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin was considered to be Totalitarian because of the oppressive conditions the citizens of Russia had to live in. Many people were killed or sent to Gulags under Stalin's rule, and propaganda was widespread. For more info on Stalin, read Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations.

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his home town was in russia thats why he had dark hair

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I dntnknoe thats why I typed it in stupid

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Marketing relies on us wanting what is new and improved. Thats all there is to it.

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well the answer is that what your looking for. hmm thats interesting its Russia.

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because it is fudge thats made in russia???

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i don't know thats why i ask you . i want your answer

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um they are two different countries, thats the difference

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yeah... the last answer thats nun of yall business ./.. i actually improved the last answer leave my BRO alone

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i dont ffrickin know, thats what im asking. A hole.

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tacco bell mcdanalds and sonici think it is kyuishu maybe i just gest that it may be right and maybe wrong