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Q: What three treatments do soiled items undergo when brought into New Zealand airports?
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What three treatment may soiled items undergo when brought into new zealand?

don't really know, went on the MAF website and it doesn't really answer any of my questions that i need to know about what they do :/

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The type of treatments that breast cancer patients undergo include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, breast reconstruction. One can go to the Willows Support Team in Canada for more information.

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Some patients with pancreatic cancer deemed suitable for a pancreatectomy will also undergo chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

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Microdermabrasion treatments have the accomplishment of rejuvenating the skin on the face without having to undergo any surgery. The instrument gently sands the outer layer of skin to expose the inner layer.

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six months of oil and myrrh and another six months with perfumes and various cosmeticsEsther 2:12 (NIV)

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Mesothelioma has a few different options for treatment. The patient can choose to undergo surgery, which is the removal of the tumors. Surgery is usually paired with chemotherapy for best results. Radiation therapy is used to shrink tumors, and is usually paired with the other treatments. The most common treatment is referred to as multimodal, which is just a mixture of the other treatments.

What to do about brown blotches?

Having brown blotches on your skin is called melasma and it is caused by sun exposure, hormone treatments, and medications. There are many different kinds of topical therapies you can undergo to treat this condition.

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Because a British infertility specialist send patients abroad to undergo PGD for gender selection, since it is considered illegal in the United Kingdom.

What is the treatment for multi nodular goitre?

There are only 2 different treatments option for this condition. You can either undergo surgery or you can try several different medications before having surgery.

What is underwent (to) undergo?

of Undergo, imp. of Undergo.

Examples of a sentence with the word undergo in it?

The doctor was about to undergo surgery. The farmer was about to undergo harvesting. The builder was about to undergo the tall sky tower. I think you would undergo the point by now. :)