Ho Chi Minh City, Shanghai, Karachi, Rangoon, Bangkok all lie on mainland Asia coastline.
For a start, Ho Chi Minh City, Karachi, and Shanghai are not the capital cities of their countries. Bangkok is not actually on the coast of Thailand nor is Rangoon actually on the coast of the Gulf of Martaban. So let's try again, shall we? Countries on the continent of Asia with capitals on the coast. Istanbul (Turkey), Beirut (Lebanon), Muscat (Oman), Abu Dhabi (UAE), Doha (Qatar), Kuwait City (Kuwait), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Singapore (Singapore), Jakarta (Indonesia), Tokyo (Japan),
Tokyo, Jakarta, Singapore
Some capital cities located on the Mediterranean coast include Rome in Italy, Athens in Greece, Tunis in Tunisia, and Beirut in Lebanon.
Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is located on the North Island. Additionally, Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, is located on the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific Ocean.
The country of South Africa has three capital cities: Cape Town (on the coast) Pretoria (inland) Bloemfoentein (inland) The last two cities are therefore capital cities not on the coast
The capital of Massachusetts is Boston, and yes, it is located on the coast.
The capital cities of each coast that are located on islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are: Atlantic: Halifax, Nova Scotia St. John's, Newfoundland Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Pacific: Victoria, British Columbia Juneau, Alaska Honolulu, Hawaii
The capital of Massachusetts is Boston. Yes, Boston is located on the east coast of the United States.
The capital of Massachusetts is Boston and it is located on the east coast, near the Atlantic Ocean.
The capital of Massachusetts is Boston and it is located on the east coast, near the Atlantic Ocean.
Some European countries with capital cities on the coast include Portugal (Lisbon), Spain (Madrid), Italy (Rome), and Greece (Athens).
A: Boston and it is on the coast. do you live there
The region of Lazio is located in Italy. It is on the west coast of central Italy and has a number of famous cities including the capital Rome and the Vatican City.