a big storm of wather
In our atmosphere
"Wather" is incorrect spelling. One could be meaning to spell many words such as wander, weather, or wafer. "Wather" would be a common misspelling of the word weather as those are the closest letters in the word.
not cold wather
the wather
It depends on the wather
Table salt and sugar
91c if the wather +46c
Depends on condition. range from 175-300
Water is basic element some kind of fire but i can´tell more about fire elemets seckrets because of fire if do not respet fire then fire does not respect you and you earn fire troubles and everyting what you own can burn.I think that creation of wather element is somekind resept and that is alcemy and Creation of wather is made sort of kind fire molekyls.Wather goes somekind travel from clouds to rain and that is molekyle tecnic.Creator is measured that wather so that when glass fillup wather comes down and creation of healfy movement start on nature.
Weather? If so, hot all year round.