The price range for Dublin apartments range from $1,500 for a 1 bedroom up to $4,300 for a luxury 3 bedroom apartment. Two bedroom apartments rent in the $2,000 range.
Prices for a one bedroom apartment in Baltimore will vary depending on the exact location. The average price is generally between $800 and $100 per month.
Douglas Apartments in Georgia lists a large selection of apartments by size, location and price. The average cost of renting an apartment depends on the age and location of the building as well as the size that ranges from studio to three bedroom.
average price of 3 bedroom house in st.louis
the average utility bill price for a 3 bedroom house is 200
2 bedroom and 1 bath with 950 square feet starts at $1325 and goes to $1935 at Foxcraft Apartments near Kennebunk. $1200 for a 1 bedroom and 1 bath condo in Kennebunkport.
The average price of a 2 bedroom property in Houston per month for rental is totalling at around $1406 per month. There are also 2 bedroom townhouses available at a price of $2300 in some areas.
Prices vary for apartments in California. A studio apartment can range from the $500 to $800. A one bedroom can go for between $850-1,200. Utilities and parking can drive the price higher.
Depending on what bedroom size and where it is located it can range between $2400 to $6500 a month.
There is no 'average'. There are many averages. You can group all the apartments that are available to rent on a street, in a building, by the number of bedrooms, if the apartments come with a doorman, if they have a view and other factors. Some care about parking while others want to be close to a subway entrance. Some things are really critical to people. If someone wants to be in the Upper Eastside they will only look at apartments that fit a geographic profile. People who need 3 bedroom really do not consider the price for the average 1 bedroom. Depending on what you want to learn you can slice and dice the search to produce an average that has meaning. You do need to narrow the criteria.