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Mexico did not inherit territory from Spain; Mexico simply took it from Spain. The Spanish General, Agosto Iturbide, switched sides and became the ruler of Mexico. Its southern border began at the line between Panama and Costa Rica. The northern border fell roughly along the borders of the following states of the United States: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The United States gained 29,640 square miles of land from Mexico in 1853. Known as the Gadsden Purchase, this land covered what is now the entire southern quarter of Arizona and the southern most parts of New Mexico.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

During the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) Mexico lost present-day California, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado as well as most of northern New Mexico and Arizona. Also at the end of the war Mexico was forced to cease any attempt on reclaiming Texas, which included present-day Texas, as well as parts of Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming. This is also known as the Mexican Cession (1848).

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Q: What territory was inherited by Mexico from Spain?
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It also became independent from Spain, as it was considered a territory of Mexico.

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Yes, in fact Mexico gained it's independence from Spain on September 16, 1810

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A territory of the new nation.

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Yes. From 1521 until 1821, Mexico became an overseas territory of Spain.

When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821 Texas was?

A territory of the new, independent country.

What year did the Spain conquer Mexico?

At the Fall of Tenochtitlan, on August 13, 1521 Mexico became an overseas territory of the Spanish Empire.

How did mexican independence open the new mexico territory to american traders?

after mexico gained independence from spain in 1821, it opened its borders to american traders, whom spain had kept away.