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Well pretty much all of Israel except West banks and the Gaza strip

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Q: What territories were not claimed by the Palestinians?
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What groups claimed the right to live in Palestine?

Jews and Palestinians.

What do the Palestinians think of Jewish settlements in the West Bank?

The Palestinians think of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian Territories as the theft of land and a continued humiliation of their people.

Which European countries claimed the most territories?

During the Age of Exploration, Spain and Portugal claimed the most territories in Europe. Portugal established colonies in Africa, Asia, and South America, while Spain claimed territories in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Where did Palestinians go when Israel won its independence?

The Palestinians were driven out to occupied territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Some of them were able to move into surrounding countries but most weren't welcomed there.

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Palestinians who fled from the territories that Israel occupied.

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What action did Israeli leaders encourage that added salt to the wound of the Arab Palestinians?

The answer you are probably looking for is the Construction of Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territories, but there are numerous grievances that the Palestinians claim have added salt to their wounds.

Why did the Palestinians not like the Jews arriving in large numbers to their part of the Middle East?

The Palestinians claimed that the Jews stole their land, therefore there has been unrest in that area ever since the Jews came back from Jerusalem.

Definition of union territories?

In the American Civil War this was the name of the territories which were not claimed by states which had joined the breakaway Confederate States.

What are militant Palestinians?

Well that can refer to many things but that would be Palestinians that usually live in areas affected by Israel such as the territories of Gaza and the West Bank and these people take up arms against their enemies, whoever that might be.

Why did the Palestinians attack the Israeli Olympic Team?

The Palestinian group Black September attacked the Israeli Olympic Team in Munich in 1972 in order to gain attention for the plight of Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories. They were successful in this regard because after they butchered unarmed Israeli athletes, the world finally began to notice the Palestinians.

How long has Palestine been homeless?

The question as posed is nonsensical. Palestine is a land and lands cannot be homeless, only people can. If the question is how long have Palestinians been homeless, the answer depends on who you consider to be a Palestinian. There are numerous Palestinians who live in Israel, the Palestinian Territories, of the Palestinian Diaspora who live in homes and have citizenship of the States in which they live. (The status of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is a little different.) In any case, to say that these people are homeless would be, by definition, incorrect since they live in homes. There are also Palestinians who have lived their entire lives in Refugee Camps. Those Palestinians and their ancestors have lived in Refugee Camps since either 1948 or 1967, the two times the Palestinians have fled in the wake of the Israeli-Arab Wars.