The taxes in California varies by what city in California someone is in. The rate varies of 4% to 7%. This rate for general goods. People in California also pay an income tax.
The government cannot levy taxes on churches. Churches do not have to pay taxes to the government; they are tax exempt.
State and FederalThere are far more than two levels of government that can levy taxes. Several different Government Agencies can also levy taxes. Federal, State, and Cities, are some of the levels that can levy income taxes alone.
To apply taxes. To have taxes on certain goods.
The Internal Revenue Service can levy taxes on people and organizations. In fact, as a citizen you are expected to pay taxes for your entire life.
Levy further taxes at risk! Levy could be a family name.
Only Congress can levy taxes. The President, through the IRS (a branch of the Treasury Dept.) collects the taxes.
The word 'levy' means to raise (from the French verb) thus to 'levy taxes' is to raise taxes - or make the people pay tax.Strictly 'levy taxation' is incorrect use of English as 'taxation' is the process of rasing taxes' and levy 'taxation' (rather than 'tax') would read 'raise raise tax'.
The power to levy taxes is considered executive and can therefore be handled by an institution under the executive arm of the government. Governments get a large amount of income from taxes.
The Congress has the power to levy, impose and collect, the taxes in the U.S. Congress imposes these taxes through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and State taxing authorities.
The colonists believed that only elected officials could levy taxes. They found that this was changed within the Declaratory Acts.