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It depends which one you are referring to

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Q: What stone the parliament house made?
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Which stone is Parliament house made up of?


Which stone is parliament house made of?

Parliament House itself is built of enough concrete to build twenty five Sydney Opera Houses. That's a lot of concrete! As well as being built of concrete, Parliament House is also made of expensive surfaces of marble, granite and fine Australian timbers.

The Australian parliament is made up of what 2 houses?

Australia's Federal parliament is made up of two Houses.Australia's upper house of parliament is the Senate. The lower house is the House of Representatives.

Where is the Foundation Stone in Canberra?

The Foundation Stone in Canberra is located on the lawn in front of the Parliament House on Capital Hill.

Who made the parliament house?


What kind of rock is Parliament made up of?

stone maybe

What are the three things that parliament is made up of?

Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. The Monarch is the head of state, the House of Lords is the upper house, and the House of Commons is the lower house.

Which house of parliament is made up of members who inherit their seat?

the house of lords

Which house of parliament is made up of members who inherit seats?

house of lords

What are the houses of parliament in Queensland?

The only Parliament House in Queensland is the Queensland State Parliament House in Brisbane, on Alice Street. Queensland Parliament is made up of a single house, the Legislative Assembly.

In Canada what is the name of the building in which laws are made?

The House of Parliament.

What are the three levels of parliament?

Parliament is made up of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Sovereign