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In the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln carried all of the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California and Oregon. In nine of the southern states, he did not receive a single popular vote.

In 1864, Lincoln carried every Union state except New Jersey, Delaware and Kentucky.

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Q: What states voted Abraham Lincoln for president in the 1860 s?
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What was the rival nation that was formed by several southern states who voted to secede from the Union after Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the US?

The Confederate States of America

Did Abraham Lincoln election to president lead to the seceesion of South Carolina from the union?

Yes. They knew he would not allow any new slave-states. So the South would always be out-voted in Congress.

How did Abraham Lincoln get so many votes for the election?

Pretty much all of the north states voted for him, but the south almost 100% voted for the other candidate. The north had a higher population so Lincoln won.

What party and candidate did Massachusetts support in that election in 1860?

Massachusetts voted Abraham Lincoln of the Republican party in the 1860 elections.

How did Abraham Lincoln became preident?

*become* He made several speches about how he was going to help the world become a better place and how the world will improve. People love what he was going to do and so they voted for him and then he became the 16th United States president.

Which US president was voted best in your nations history?

Abraham Lincoln was (and still is today) considered the greatest of the 43 Presidents of the US. Washington is number two.

What could booth have done instead of shooting Abraham Lincoln?

Voted Democrat.

How many times was Lincoln voted in as president?


When was president Lincoln voted president?

President Lincoln was first elected president on November 6, 1860 and reelected on November 8, 1864.

How did Abraham Lincoln become president?

the southern states strongly opposed Lincoln as president. only 40% of the public voted for Lincoln. he became president through the electorial college, when all northern representatives chose to vote for Lincoln to get back at the south - there were more nothern reps then southern so the north had the advantage. 7 southern states chose to move towards secession after president Lincoln became president.and he was our 16 presidentjust like everyone else, he got voted in to be president.

What was the immediate reason for the secession of the southern states?

The election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860. The South knew that he would never allow any new slave-states. So the South would always be out-voted in Congress.

What party and candidate did Massachusetts support in that election?

Massachusetts voted Abraham Lincoln of the Republican party in the 1860 elections.