Arkansas is known as the Bear State.
Arkansas is known for extreme weather and many storms. A typical year will see thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, snow and ice storms.
Arkansas is a state in the southern United States known for its natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities.
The state bird of Arkansas is the Mockingbird, adopted in 1929
The Natural State of America is a film that is focused in Arkansas.
Arkansas State University Jonesboro and its' sister and satellites campuses Beebe and Mountain Home do not have any culinary schools or culinary art degrees.
Arkansas is a proper name. You can make all sorts of sentences with names. You could say "I like Arkansas" or "I live in Arkansas." You could say "Arkansas is a state" or even "Arkansas is nice."
The state rock of Arkansas is the bauxite rock. Bauxite is an aluminum ore and was designated as the state rock in 1967. Arkansas is known for its rich deposits of bauxite, which has been an important natural resource for the state's economy.
Arkansas's state gemstone is diamond. The first diamond mine in North America was found in Arkansas in 1906, and the state continues to be known for its diamond mines and gemstone production.
Arkansas has no state shell.
Arkansas is a Bandito state
Jesse James had one sister.