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Darwin is the capital City of the Northern Territory, Australia. The Northern Territory is actually a territory rather than a state.

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The Northern Territory

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Q: What state is Darwin in?
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Which Australian City is further north Carins or Darwin?

Darwin is further north than Cairns in Australia. Darwin is located in the Northern Territory, while Cairns is situated in the state of Queensland.

Which Australian state capital is closest to the equator?

Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory in Australia, is the closest to the equator among all Australian state capitals.

Is Brisbane or Darwin a larger territory?

Neither Brisbane nor Darwin is a territory. Brisbane is the capital city of the state of Queensland, and Darwin is the capital of the territory known as the Northern Territory. Brisbane is larger than Darwin in both area and population.

What city and state was Charles Darwin born in?

Charles Darwin was born in Britain, which does not have states. His birth town was Shrewsbury, which is the county town of Shropshire.

What capital is southwest of Darwin northern territory?

Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory of Australia. Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia. Perth is located southwest of Darwin.

Middle name Darwin D Martin?

Darwin's middle name is David. There is a state historic site of a house that Frank Loyd Wright designed and built in 1903 that is named the Darwin Martin house.

Is Darwin the most smallest city in Australia?

Darwin is the smallest state/territory capital in population, not the "most smallest" (double superlative!!) city in Australia.

Which Australian state or territory capital witch was one calle palmerson?

Darwin was once called Palmerston. There is now a city about 20km south of Darwin called Palmerston.

What were Charles Darwin's kids names?

William Erasmus Darwin, Anne Elizabeth Darwin, Mary Eleanor Darwin, Henrietta Emma Darwin ("Etty"), George Howard Darwin, Elizabeth Darwin, Francis Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Horace Darwin and Charles Waring Darwin

What were the names of Charles Darwins children?

Charles Darwin had 10 children.William Erasmus Darwin (b. 1839)Anne Elizabeth Darwin (b. 1841)Mary Eleanor Darwin (b. 1842)Henrietta Emma Darwin (b. 1843)George Howard Darwin (b. 1845)Elizabeth Darwin (b. 1847)Francis Darwin (b. 1848)Leonard Darwin (b. 1850)Horace Darwin (b. 1851)Charles Waring Darwin (b. 1856)