Otahuhu is a suburb located in Auckland City in New Zealand
There is no Capital of Auckland as Auckland is a City in New Zealand.
University of Auckland was created in 1883.
There are 5 star Auckland hotels. Skycity Grand Hotel, Hilton Auckland, Hotel DeBrett, Stamford Plaza Auckland, Pullman Auckland, Clarion Collection Hotel Metropolis, and Auckland Takapuna Oaks are all 5 star Auckland hotels.
SH1 in Auckland
it is my hometown, it has snowed in auckland
Auckland is best for moving and packing
Auckland was created in 1350.
no, Auckland is city in New Zealand.
A state funeral was held at Auckland, NZ, for Hillary on 22 January 2008.
Yes, Auckland City is on the Auckland Isthmus between the Waitemata and Manukau harbours.
Auckland land size 1% Auckland population about 25% of NZ