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Washington, because that's the state in which Starbucks had started it's business.

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Q: What state has the most Starbucks in America?
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What country or region is Starbucks?


Is Starbucks Canadian?

No, Starbucks is America, and was founded in Seattle. There are, however, a good number of them in Canada.

What state has the greatest number of Starbucks?

California with 2010 Starbucks stores.

What state does Starbucks come from?

Starbucks started in, and is still HQ'd in Seattle, Washington.

What state Starbucks from?

Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA is the first Starbucks ever to open, so the answer to your question is Washington state.

What country in New York City was the Starbucks located?

This question is so problematic, I'm not even sure where to begin. First of all, New York is not a country, nor does it have any countries inside it. New York is a city, and also a state. New York City is part of New York State. New York State is number 11 of the 50 States of the United States of America. The U.S.A. is a country that is located on the continent of North America. Furthermore, there are several hundred Starbucks locations in New York City. Asking, "Where is the Starbucks in New York City?" is like asking, "Where is the McDonald's in America?"

Does Starbucks have?

most of them do

How many Starbucks are in America?

I not really sure... but I know there is ALOT (@ least 10,000 ... I know for sure) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and that I HEART STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333

Is there a Starbucks on the garden state parkway?


What state is Starbucks from?

Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA is the first Starbucks ever to open, so the answer to your question is Washington state.

What is the most poulated state in America?

California is the most populated state in America. In second place is the state of Texas. In third place is the state of New York.